
Friday, January 18, 2013

Finally Finished Friday

This one has been a long time in the making and is the 1st finish of 2013. This is for Megan's baby girl Marin. Megan didn't find out the gender of the baby before she was born. So as a result this was a gender neural baby quilt. I used several owl prints including Ten Little Things by Jenn Ski for Moda. Sadly the baby's grand mother made her a quilt as well with some prints from the same collection. Just goes to show you there aren't very many gender neutral baby prints. Anyway I didn't get this finished before the baby was born. She is getting big and cuter every day.

The pattern of the quilt is New Wave by Oh! Fransson. The quilting is a variety of free motion and regular stitching. I did something different in each section. Backing is red with a line of yellow owls ( I forgot to get some pictures of the back, it was cold and windy). Fabric is an assortment. I love the blue binding I think it brings it all together. Here is a little close up of the quilting. I used a variegated yellow thread. Glad to be done with this one and get it off in the mail to Megan and Marin! 

I am linking up to Crazy Mom Quilts, Finish it up Friday. 
Don't forget about the give away here....


  1. Love your stunning quilt.It`s just wonderful!

  2. Great finish. So bright and cheery.

  3. Great finish - I have a New Wave on my list of "must finish" quilts for 2013. And as an aside please pass along my giant thumbs up to Megan for the babywearing!

  4. I think it's great that the quilts will match a little! Great finish!

  5. I love the colors you chose! They look great!
