
Thursday, July 11, 2013

WIP....opps I missed Wednesday....

I'll keep this short and sweet. I'm back in Columbus working on charity quilts. I've had my fill of simple patchwork quilts. I need to piece something more exciting. I've been trying to decide which block to do for my upcoming block of the month. I've  been working on killing some scraps from my traveling suitcase of scraps. I've gotta give the TSA something exciting to look at. Scrap jar stars from A little bit biased, tutorial here. I love making these and I can't stop! Before I know it I see that it's after midnight! Don't be jealous of the wild and crazy life I live out on the road with all night sewing benders. 

Whilst back on the home front last week I got to spend some time with the people and animals I love. I've decided that whenever I have a bad day I need to try to be as happy as the critters below. 
 Tennis Ball - Check
Baby Pool - Check
If you could throw some steak strips in here I would never leave

 I can't explain the ferocity at which my bunny Wilfred went at this apple
Corn husks were a bust, and he doesn't like carrots....
He is accepting donations of fruits and fruit loops presently....
 And as always life is better with a big hunk of greens...
(I want to love salad that much!)

Happy Almost Friday!!!

You can now follow me on Bloglovin if that is your thang!


  1. Beautiful scraps.Love it.Have a fun weekend!

  2. Hi!!! Very pretty star blocks!! Bright and cheerful!!! You do have some happy critters there!!! Very cute!!! Fruitloops for bunnies!!!! I thought tricks were for rabbits!!!! Hee hee

  3. Oh, your dog looks so happy to be in that pool! Very cute.

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