
Friday, September 13, 2013

Finish It Up Friday - How to make friends and alienate neighbors

       So a couple weeks ago I got the bright idea to be a responsible adult. I made a commitment to get my teefs in order and go get a cleaning. We had been slack since we moved to Wisconsin. So off I went got my teeth cleaned, had some stuff fixed, got a crown, spent all my fabric money on dental work. Last Saturday I got my permanent crown. It felt pretty good when I left but  then again I was all jazzed up on Novocaine. I flew to Evansville, Indiana and spent the next three days not being able to open my mouth wide enough to get a spoon in. Apparently there were some bite issues that kicked me on my butt.They have now been fixed....
       In celebration of being able to eat solid food again and finally not writhing in pain I finished putting together this scrappy star quilt top last night. It is destined to the fine folks at My very own blanket in Columbus. I am now frantically working on 3 Christmas quilts for gifts that I have been putting off all year thinking Christmas is so far away. Holy Moses it is September! Where did the year go????/
      My husband is working night shift this week and has just stumbled awake from his day of sleep when I was on my way out to take pictures of this top. He kindly offered assistance in holding the quilt for the photo but he was not quite dressed for outside activities. I said you will scare the neighbors, he said I was going to put on pants. Sure you were.....
Linking up to Finish it up Friday at Crazy Mom Quilts....


  1. Looks great Dhia. I love scrappy quilts. My hubby works nights too and is very helpful. Usually he wears pants.....

  2. Love the quilt Dhia and good luck fitting in your 3 Christmas quilts. I think it's enough to say our neighbours run scared......

  3. I just love what you have done with this quilt. So scappy -wonderful! keep up the good work!!

  4. It`s fabulous and love what you did!

  5. Great quilt! What sacrifices our husbands make for us...

  6. Love the quilt - simple and fun :)

  7. Oh my gosh!!!! I LOVE this quilt! It's absolutely perfect.

  8. The important thing is that your teeth are taken care of and are doing fine. Getting things to that point can be easier said than done. Let's be thankful for small victories, then.

    Dustin Hopkin
