
Friday, May 8, 2015

Going through withdrawl....

My machine is on the mend. It is at the shop getting fixed and tuned up. Before I broke it I was able to finish up these two tops. 

This is the top for the March Nurture Circle of do.Good.Stitches, Triple Irish Chain pattern is an old but a goody. I love how it turned out.

Here is the top again outside in the spring sunshine.

I finished up this baby quilt top for the newest little peach. I couldn't get it to lay flat. It may not be as square as I had hoped. I figure the quilting will smooth it out. 

Linking it up to Finish it up Friday @ Crazy Mom Quilts


  1. I'm so glad to see how the do Good Stitches top turned out! I have to say when I was working on my blocks I couldn't see it, but all together they look awesome and the pattern really shows! Woohoo!

  2. Both quilts are just wonderful. Never can go wrong with an Irish chain...

  3. Both quilts are just wonderful. Never can go wrong with an Irish chain...

  4. I'm with Carla above, I couldn't see it either but it turned out AWESOME!
