
Friday, June 21, 2013

Bad Bad Blogger - Finish It Up Friday

     I have been pretty quiet as of late. I wish I had some awesome excuse. I wasn't traveling in the south of France. I wasn't building homes for the poor of Guatemala. I wasn't off saving the world/living an exotic life of leisure/curing cancer/saving babies. I was cleaning/traveling to Columbus/making green smoothies/and going to the gym. I started healthing up my life at the beginning of the year. A new years resolution that has stuck around for at least half of the year. Thus far I am down 50 plus pounds and I feel great!

     I am in for another long long stretch in Columbus. I feel like this is my summer home! There is a great charity in Columbus called My Very Own Blanket. I had come across them when I was in Columbus last year. The founder loaded me up with a huge bag of scraps and some pre-cut 8 1/2 inch squares. I happily carted my loot back home. I knew it wasn't for me but I still get excited about having new fabric to play with. I would like to mention that Connecting Threads donates alot of scraps of fabric and batting to MVOB. If you aren't familiar with Connecting Threads do yourself a favor by going to their site. They have awesome prices on thread and fabric. I only found out that the distribution center was located in Columbus when my ordered arrived at my house. The scraps I received from MVOB looked like alot of fabrics I was familiar with so I asked the next time I was at MVOB. As it happens all the ends/scraps/unsellables get tossed into bins. They donate these to MVOB  who uses them through volunteers and some inmates to create quilts for kids in foster care.

I have a couple tops that I finished up for MVOB.

Many more quilts to come, I am considering these "finished" as I have already returned them to MVOB.
Linking up to Crazy Mom Quilts Finish it up Friday.

Don't forget about the give away here..... until 5/25.....


  1. Wow, losing 50 pounds is nearly as hard as curing some terrible disease, so congratulations! You've done that, gotten healthier AND are getting tons of quilting done. I'm impressed. :)

  2. You go girl! Way to get healthy! That's really wonderful of you to make those quilt tops for mvob

  3. Love your herring bone quilt. It is so spunky!

  4. Did you add the pink heart into the string quilt on purpose? Congratulations on the weight loss!

  5. congratulations on your half of a year of healthy lifestyle and your 50 lb weight loss. that is awesome!!! way to go!!!

    your charity quilts look great, too! i love sewing for a good cause. keep up the good work!

    thanks for linking up to finish it up Friday!

  6. Nice topic-specific blog. Would love to read more stuff like this on the web. Thanks!
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