Saturday, February 2, 2019

Feb 2019 do.good.stitches Nurture Circle - Moda Love

           Ladies since it is Valentine's day this month let's feel the love in this quilt. For this month we will be making 2 12" blocks of the Moda Love pattern. Take a peak at the 3rd page for instructions for the 12" block. 
         To start off we are going to make one red block with a grey star in the middle and one grey block with a red star in the middle. Feel free to raid your scrap bin and mix it up. 

Step 1: Cut 18 - 2.5" Red Squares, 18 - 2.5" Medium to Dark Grey Squares, and 36 - 2.5" white, white on white or low volume Squares.

Step 2: Draw diagonal lines on the back side of the 36 - 2.5" background (white squares)

Step 3: Match a background square with a 2.5" red or grey square, right sides together.

Step 4: Stitch a 1/4" on each side of the diagonal line on the background square
Step 5: Cut on the diagonal line, press toward the dark side, trim HST to 2"

You should now have 36 - 2" red HST and 36 - 2" grey HST

Step 6: Cut 12 - 2" Red squares, 12 - 2" Grey Squares, and 32 - 2" Background Squares

Step 7: Arrange squares according to the layout in the Moda Love link. The star in the middle should be the opposite color than the outer ring. You will need 12 HST of the alternate color to  make the star in the middle. 

Step 8: Sew together the rows and press the odd numbered rows to the left and the even numbered rows to the right. Sew the rows together nesting the seams, Press the final seams of the rows in the same direction, either up or down. Your finished blocks will look like the samples below. 


  1. Nice article as well as whole site.Thanks.

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